A Long and Protracted Labour

Yesterday and today were finger munching tense as the database on the 'dry dock' server would not, under any circumstance, talk to the server at our site.
Long periods of time were spent doing nothing at my end except worry, whilst on the East coast of Italy, some serious thinking was taking place, followed by some frantic tinkering, swearing and more thinking.
It took 38 hours from the start of the changeover to completion. You wouldn't believe what's had to be done to get this 'round peg' into a 'square hole', and even then, it wouldn't go quietly!
Still, at 2141 on the 18th December 2007, a new web-site was delivered, Tomorrow, I have a prior engagement with an old school friend for a DTS, so I won't be around to answer the loads of questions I think may be inbound.
It wasn't planned that way.... but hey!