Just about there!

Any links with the old website (pre-dec 07) were finally severed last month with the change of web host company.
Our previous hosts (1 and 1) did an adequate job for a total of 3 months before difficulties began. The company simply refused to acknowledge they had any problems with their server used to host www.rnca.info, but the site eventually could not be seen at all. In desperation, we (Paolo, the web developer, and I) agreed to download the entire site and then uploaded it without any alterations to Paolo's own server to check out everything was ok, and it was!
Ten months of wrangling with 1 and 1 ensued, the best outcome I could generate was re-inbursement of some of the cost of hosting, and to persuade Paolo to keep the site on his server.
What made things worse was 1. I wasn't dealing with a UK call centre, and 2. The fact the RNCA was in a contract with a minimum term of 1 year (which was up first week of February 2009).
So, first opportunity to move, I acted and signed up to Clook.
Not universally known, and I would like to keep it that way if I can! Popular with web developers, Clook has excellent bandwidth/connectivity/web-space and is good value for money. It allows us the space and available tools to expand and develop the site for years to come.
I have added one further feature, and that is the re-instatement of the old web address www.rnca.org.uk as a 'dual route' web address. This will bring more visitors who were unaware of the change to rnca.info and ties in with many oversees military sites that never updated their links to us.

I am always open to new ideas and suggestions for the site, so if you have any, contact me!

I am looking forward to feedback in Inverness next week and would be interested to hear your views!